Been Betrayed


Have you ever been betrayed? Often for people who have experienced betrayal, that betrayal will ripple out into all of their relationships, even the ones not directly affected by the betrayal. Betrayal by anyone can cause us to close our hearts. It can affect how we think and feel about life, people and Creation. Once you’ve been betrayed often it’s really challenging to step back into relationships, partnership, friendship, or any type of intimate relationship without doing a lot of healing first. In this group clearing with Bonnie she will be assisting you in unwinding all of these experiences around betrayal, and this specific type of relational wounding. Begin to step into expansive heart relationship with Bonnie and unravel this core wound to end it forever!

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Have you ever been betrayed? Often for people who have experienced betrayal, that betrayal will ripple out into all of their relationships. Even the ones not directly affected by the betrayal. So betrayal causes our hearts to shut down, it causes distress, and that will ripple through everything. It can affect how we think and feel about life, people and Creation.

Once you’ve been betrayed often it’s really challenging to step back into relationships, partnership, friendship, or any type of intimate relationship without doing a lot of healing first. It’s hard to step back into relationship with an open heart. Often we develop safety mechanisms, defense strategies, and sneaky ways we can test people to see if they’re safe. Often times in partnerships, your partner might try to look through your phone or your Facebook, or steal your passwords to things.

So one big betrayal can have a huge effect on your entire life and every relationship you have afterward. Betrayals are haunting, and depending on the gravity of each betrayal they will often show up in different ways.

Now image you’ve experienced lifetimes of betrayal. You’ve been betrayed before and if you did not do your spiritual work within those lifetimes- that could look like dropping in and feeling this betrayal, and the rippled effect of that betrayal: the heart shutting down, the pain, the grief, the loss- that is still affecting you today.

In this group clearing with Bonnie she will be assisting you in unwinding all of these experiences around betrayal, and this specific type of relational wounding. Begin to step into expansive heart relationship with Bonnie on Wednesday, August 15th, and unravel this core wound to end it forever!


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