trauma son

Dear Bonnie, since taking your clearings I realise that I am the cause of most of my sons Jamy’s problems.
Because when I was pregnant of him I had a lot of trauma’s.
Now my son 23 yrs, has a lot of problems: insomnia, overthinking, colitis, loneliness, disbelief, angry at God, suicidal thoughts…
Can you help him to heal through me? What kind of session do I need?


  1. Sangita Bholanath Post author

    Dear Bonnie,
    Thanks a lot for your quick response. I am so grateful.
    I thank God that He has brought you om our path sothat Jamy finally will have proper help.
    For starters I have booked a 30 min session with you for Jamy on July 8 (the first one available in your agenda) where I want to be his surrogate.
    Can’t wait till july, but I have to be patient, We have to wait for a month, but I only want you, the best of the best.
    See you than!
    Much love and gratitude.