I feel blocked in every direction

Hi Bonnie,
I feel like I’m not moving in any direction right now, just treading water. I co-own a house, but resent how far it is from my work 30 miles away. My work in community mental health can be rewarding (sometimes), but to make my schedule work, I must frequently stay overnight there. Consequently, I am often exhausted and depressed. I wish my agency was a lot more open to spiritual therapies. On my days off, I rarely do much of anything. My spiritual practice is a joke. I don’t have many friends, and don’t have a partner. My sexual response is very blocked. I’m about 25 pounds overweight.

I suppose I’m whining- I’ve got so much going for me: intelligent, great family, etc. But I just don’t see a way forward. Your “Birth Trauma” clearing (I was a ‘blue baby’ [born not breathing]) helped me- for one thing, I have rarely felt anything from a healing online before, and my reaction to yours was to feel VERY strongly that I wanted to stretch. I have noticed that I am much more assertive since then.

I put a lot in this question because I hope for as much detail as possible. I look forward to your response.