Shatter the Past and Step into New Possibilities


It’s fair to say that we all felt heartbreaking experiences in 2021. Cancelled vacations, holiday gatherings that never materialized, and the sorrow of not enjoying our nearest and dearest friends and family around us. No midnight kiss to usher in the new year. And those times were meant as the highlight of the season. After the holidays ended it was back to the bleak, colorless, cold months still in isolation. We were trying to stay well physically while keeping our families away from illness and disappointments. We were trapped in our tiny cells. But now it is time to break out.

Let Bonnie set you free in her next session! She will help rekindle those energies of wonder and hope that have been hibernating in your soul. Once you retune yourself to shake off what has been a terrible prison, you will start to see the color and amazing possibilities that lie ahead in the new year. Welcome the dawn, acknowledge your challenges and shatter the past.


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