
Relationship Package

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $97.00.

Bonnie Serratore brilliantly guides you through welcoming yourself in all ways, breaking through limitations and barriers that are keeping you stuck.


We are social beings. We crave to be seen by another. And not only seen, but to be accepted, loved, and welcomed by another as our fully revealed, naked selves. For true intimacy to be available to us, we must be available and open enough to allow another being to see who we truly are. We must have the ability to reveal ourselves. In that, we become more available to accept and welcome another human being in all that they are as well. In this clearing, work through the energetic blocks that you have around being seen fully at the deepest core of yourself and your capacity to welcome another human being in the same way.

Have More Romance

Join Bonnie Serratore in clearing the energetic blockages and interferences that prevent us from having and enjoying more romance. HAVE MORE ROMANCE with your beloved(s) and put the fire in your relationship!

Standing In Your Truth (Speaking Your Truth)

Many people come into the world feeling like it's not okay to be themselves. Buying into the thought form that it's not okay to tell the truth. We don't want to risk somebodies approval by speaking up because we might lose them, feel ostracized, or judged. Being tortured in this way anchors these traumas into the soul imprint. This clearing not only helps gain back your truth but also empowers you to stand up for yourself. To stop being taken advantage of, to stop letting others walk all over you, and to start claiming your life again!

Social Anxiety Surviving the Holidays

The holiday's are a time for overwhelm. Social anxiety, peer pressure, and facing your family is front and center. Let's rediscover what the holiday's could be about - cultivating a deeper connection with your inner joy and finding magic in the world around and within you. Face the holiday's with bravery and wildness, and give your true nature permission to shine through.


Bonnie Serratore brilliantly guides you through welcoming yourself in all ways, breaking through limitations and barriers that are keeping you stuck.

Boost your relationships with Energy Master, Bonnie Serratore’s Relationship Package. Through this four-part video clearing series, you will go in-depth into the ways that you are not fully available, open, or maintaining healthy boundaries in your relationships. Step more fully into intimacy, social ease, and navigate the complex balancing act of maintaining boundaries within your relational sphere. Bonnie Serratore brilliantly guides you through welcoming yourself in all ways and breaking through limitations and barriers that are keeping you stuck. When our relationships are not aligned, our entire world suffers. We are social beings – the ways that we communicate, express and be with each other shapes our world. Conflict, boundaries and relational disharmony is the stuff of violence and war. By healing these dynamics within ourselves, our relationships, and our communities, we begin to shift not only ourselves but the entire planet. Relational work is the sphere where our individual self-work starts to create an impact on the world and for others around us. Within interpersonal dynamics, we discover our depths. We gain a new perspective, awareness, and encounter challenges. By healing these dynamics and these relational spaces, we shift the world and lift each other up into our own heaven on earth.

Bonnie’s Relationships Package includes four full-length videos on Intimacy, Social Anxiety, Have More Romance, and Caretaking. Each video is one hour long and is available for you to watch over and over as you embody and embrace these teachings. Invest in yourself and begin to shift the quality of your relationships.


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