Fear of Success


While many people suffer from a fear of failure, it’s just as common to have a fear of being successful, whether it’s conscious or unconscious. On the surface, it seems silly. Of course we want to lead successful lives where we feel fulfilled and connected, are living our purpose and earning an abundant living. Yet we look around, and all we seem to see is struggle. We feel lack and scarcity, worrying about our resources or working in a job where we don’t feel rewarded or fulfilled.

When we fear success, we are often afraid of what our preconceived ideas of success will bring to us. We may fear that family members or “friends” will suddenly appear on the scene to try to drain our resources. Some people have beliefs around having to “work hard” to be successful and earn money, resisting what they imagine will be a struggle and deciding to settle for less fulfillment. Others may fear that once they are successful, they will have to maintain a certain level of success, and feeling that type of pressure makes them hesitant to fully embody their abundant Selves.

Does the thought of being fully responsible for your life and circumstances scare you to the point of keeping you stuck in victimhood and resentment? Many people have an underlying fear of taking responsibility for their lives. When we unconsciously accept that we are victims of circumstances, fate, or the world around us, we give away our power and limit our ability to really create success for ourselves.

What does “success” look like to you? Do you feel successful in your life now? In this powerful clearing, Bonnie will unravel to the core your resistance to being the powerful, successful, co-creative Divine Being that you have always been. When you can embrace the truth of who you really are at the deepest levels, you can create the successful life of your dreams!

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