Embracing What Is


While battling staggering job losses, political mayhem, and the ravages of COVID-19, it now seems the planet has been swept up in even more chaos, fear, and bewilderment. No matter how hard we try to protect our own energy and wellbeing, it’s difficult not to get caught up in the panic and uncertainty of the 24/7 news cycle.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus noted, “The only constant in life is change”. There will always be chaos. It’s not something we can stop. We sometimes try and brace ourselves against it, but that is like trying to turn back the ocean waves. We need to accept change and see it as a chance to advance, flourish, and grow.
As we adapt to our “new normal”, we’re learning how to reset our inner compass, and chart a new course to peaceful waters. We’re still bombarded by change, but what if we recognize the chaos, acknowledge the present, and embrace what is?
No matter how unacceptable it appears to be, choosing to accept the present is one of the most important lessons we need to learn. Being constantly on the offensive against situations over which you have no control is a huge waste of energy and no way to live. In this clearing, Bonnie will help you discover new ways to find peace in the chaos, embrace radical acceptance, and ride the tide instead of swimming against the inevitable swells of change.
In this clearing, Bonnie will help you discover new ways to find peace in the chaos, embrace radical acceptance, and ride the tide instead of swimming against the inevitable swells of change.

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