New Paradigm Series: Mastering 5-D Manifestation


Bonnie Serratore’s Group Energy Clearing New Paradigm Series: Mastering 5-D Manifestation offers a profound experience that will guide you into the elevated realms of 5-D consciousness. In order for you to reach and hold this higher vibration, Bonnie will first shatter your subconscious blocks and outside interferences that are hindering your ability to manifest from a higher-dimensional perspective. By clearing deep energetic imprints and opening you to the vast potentials of 5-D awareness, this clearing empowers you to consciously create the life you desire, aligned with the vibrational frequency of unconditional love and abundance.

*This is a special GEC in which after the clearing, Bonnie will guide participants to manifest one of their goals or desires, activating it for the strongest realization possible.

The New Paradigm Series truly showcases Bonnie’s nearly 40 years of quantum healing and unparalleled ability to access and clear energetic patterns that hold people back from liberation. Whether you’re new to the concept of 5-D or already on a path of ascension, Mastering 5-D Manifestation will help your system uplevel and hold  higher frequencies, activating your innate power to manifest in this new paradigm of reality with harmony and ease.


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