

Most everyone has some kind of an addiction whether it be cigarettes, chocolate, sex, alcohol, gambling, pornography, food, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, meth, internet, prescriptions, shopping, working, etc.

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Most everyone has some kind of an addiction whether it be cigarettes, chocolate, sex, alcohol, gambling, pornography, food, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, meth, internet, prescriptions, shopping, working, etc.

While most addictions are actually a carry over from past incarnations, addictions can also come from parents through the blood. Even still, these addictions are in your souls imprint and 99% of the time you are bringing these addictions forth from your past.

All addictions are not the same, yet they are all similar in that there is an unconscious wounding that we are avoiding or doing our best to not face or feel.

When we have addictions generally there is more than one. For example, most who drink also smoke, most who have a sex addiction also watch porn, those with eating addictions have an addiction to sweets. Everyone with addictions can’t have the food, drink, cigarettes, videos, access to internet, etc., without obsessing about it.

When tracking each specific type of addiction there is a theme which includes feelings of being unloved, of being abused emotionally, physically, and mentally; feelings of not being good enough, born bad, a bad seed, can’t do anything right, worthless, can’t live up to expectations, abandonment from a parent whether through divorce, separation or death.

Bottom line is this, we are avoiding a very deep painful emotion that feels like we will die if we go there. We will do anything to avoid these feelings.

By clearing the energy of the emotions and wounding, we will have a much better chance of stopping our addictions and getting off the drugs, the alcohol, and every other addiction we have.

When we have addictions, we are not fully present in our body and when that happens, other discarnates come in adding to our addictions and making it nearly impossible to get off the “drug”. When I worked with heroin addicts, just clearing the discarnates who were in their body made it possible for the addict to get off heroin. This is true for every addiction.


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